Kerrang!...keepin' it real!

Friday, June 10, 2011
Today I did something very different. I helped create a dessert table for the Kerrang! awards!

Miss Cakehead asked me only a few weeks ago if I could help and I couldn't say no.
The Kerrang! Awards were celebrating their 30th birthday and wanted to have a birthday theme, but with a twist, obviously.  We came up with the concept of a dessert table after the party had finished. They went for the pitch and two weeks later, hey 'party aftermath' dessert table. For inspiration I just imagined my house after one of the kidlet's parties!

 I didn't make all the cakes as Miss Cakehead has a lot of cake contacts, and I physically couldn't get a whole tables worth of cakes into London. (Well I could if I wasn't such a wuss at driving in the city!)

Anyway I made cigarette butt cookies and ash, I was very pleased with these.

Jelly to look like wine and squash (it was wine, raspberry and passionfruit flavour)
Cheese on sticks (marzipan).

And melted ice cream cones.

Laura from Mamma Jamma Cakes made the fabulous/freaky clown,s head, along with glowing eyes and flashing candy floss hair.

Other cake makers included MollyBakes, sausages on sticks (cakepops) and cupcakes.  Love to Cake made the 'K' cakes and Black Cherry Bakery made cupcakes too.

Here I am with Laura and Miss CakeHead going all 'rock chick chicky rock!'
It was a really fun table to do which I hope you can tell from the pictures!