The Berkhamsted Games, yesterday, were an amazing event and something I'm sure the kidlets will always remember. Especially, as the littlest one walked away with a silver medal, for the standing long jump.
Now, I am about to share some pictures of the day with you, do you think I resisted the urge to tilt shift? Of course not (see immediately below!)
I arrived early to set up my cake, all was fairly peaceful.
Then the ten schools taking part began to arrive, each school had a different coloured t-shirt.
Once all the children were settled the opening ceremony began. They all sang the Olympic song. (I wiped away the tears from my eyes, I'm so soft!)
Then we had a parade of the nations.
Followed by all the local head teachers and the Olympic torch.
There was a very exciting torch lighting ceremony!
(warning imminent tilt shifting!)
The children then were placed in a holding area while the games began.
There was a very exciting tug of war match that almost ended in deadlock!
When all the events were over there was a closing ceremony including a balloon release. (Again with the tears)
A massive thankyou to everyone who helped organize the day. It was a rip roaring success!
(I know, excessive pictures of the balloons, but don't they look magical?)